We live in a time in which we are rapidly moving towards a complete digitalization of processes, procedures and the overall way administrative systems function. There is a handful of successful systems that communicate with their users online, so it is normal for eGovernment systems to come to life on an ever-increasing scale. With the development of technology and digital literacy, the citizens themselves are putting pressure on replacing traditional ways of communication with digital ones.
The benefits of eGovernment are unquestionable. In addition to providing faster and more efficient ways of communication, administrative costs are reduced, time is saved, accessibility is easier for citizens living in remote areas, and remote communication is especially prominent during the Corona virus pandemic.
In addition to the growing importance of eGovernment online services, we must not forget that they exchange sensitive data, and that the issue of security must be put first.
Biometric data as the key to secure systems, even on the phone!
In response to the growing need to perform procedures remotely, we have created the Mobile Biometric Authentication System. Whether applying for a passport or visa, renewing a driver’s license or filling out a tax report, this service allows people to quickly complete administrative procedures in an easy and secure way, by applying from the comfort of their home and verifying their identity by scanning their face. The MBA system is the first of its kind, it uses scanning of the user’s face as a confirmation of identity and is made with developed algorithms, taking maximum care of security. The system is made so that it is difficult to deceive it, it recognizes when a picture of a person, a video of a face or a realistic mask is placed instead of a real person, and then any attempt at further action will cease.
What does the procedure look like?
Take applying for a passport as an example. If a country uses an MBA within its eGovernment system, all a citizen needs to do is go to the eGov service application, choose the option that in our example will be a passport application and confirm their identity by scanning their face.
After the payment is made, the user will receive information when and where they can pick up their passport.
The MBA is without a doubt the future of eGovernment. Doing administrative work remotely is something that will definitely become the standard, and Mobile Biometric Authentication is the best way to verify your identity. The MBA is currently in trial use in our country as a system for applying for renewal of driver’s licenses in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior. After successful testing and final implementation, the MBA will be one of the key steps towards full digitization and complete simplification of administrative procedures.