National systems for issuing and managing identity documents - NetSeT Global Solutions Serbia

The system for issuing and managing identity documents is one of our most demanded and most complex products. With references in countries from the list of the 50 largest countries in the world in terms of population (25+ million), our system for the issuance and management of identity documents is a product that has proven its functionality and reliability in real conditions, and thanks to its features it has positioned itself as a premium product in this segment.

Roughly speaking, the system may be divided into two sections (IDMS and CAMS), which are functionally completely independent and that communicate through a clearly defined interface.

IDMS (Identity Management System)

IDMS manages the lifecycle of an application for a document from its submission, verification of the data it contains, to creating a document according to the submitted application and delivery of the document to the client.

The key functionalities of the product called IDMS are the following:

  • Citizen data acquisition (text citizen data, photo, fingerprints)
  • Secure storage of the acquired data
  • Data analysis, data management, search, and various data manipulations
  • Communication with CAMS system so as to send data for personalization (document creation)
  • Generating certificates and statistical reports
  • User Management
  • Verification of the document holder identity and delivery of documents
  • Management of delivered documents

CAMS (Card Application Management System)

CAMS manages the lifecycle of the document during its personalization (storing data on the document). First, blank document is assigned to the submitted application for document issuance, then the application data are entered into the document and finally the document is delivered to the user who has submitted the application.

In addition to the aforementioned functionalities, CAMS takes care of blank document storage and monitoring the document during its sending to the appropriate geographic location for delivery.

The key functionalities of the product called CAMS are the following:

  • Preparing data for sending for personalization
  • Document personalization, that is, storing the data in the document
  • Document monitoring through the entire process of personalization (to the point of delivery)
  • Search and analysis of personalized documents
  • Generating statistical reports
  • User Management
  • Issued documents management